• Overview & Objectives
  • Funding Support
Jun 4, 11, 18
6:45 - 9:15pm EDT
Virtual (Free)



This program will cover the latest topics in cardiovascular and metabolic disease, guidelines, late-breaking clinical trial results, and address patient care issues encountered in daily practice.

Overall Conference Learning Objectives

Following participation in this program, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze the latest advancements in cardiovascular and metabolic disease 
  • Interpret and apply current cardiovascular guideline
  • Evaluate clinical trial results and their impact on patient care

Planning Committee

  • Milan Gupta, MD, FRCPC, FCCS, FACC, FAHA
  • Megha Poddar, MD, FRCPC, ABOM
  • Christine Palmay, MD, CCFP
  • Laura Reardon, MD, CCFP, ABOM Diplomate